今日は海と山へ出掛けました。太陽の光を浴び、心地良い疲れを感じて、ぐぅ~っすり眠れそうです☆瞼が閉じそうなので、今夜はこの辺で!おやすみなさい♪ I went to the sea and the mountain all day today.Because I was tired very much to spend in the sun, I think I’ll be able to sleep well! Good Night☆ YOKO KOSE海へ。
今日は海と山へ出掛けました。太陽の光を浴び、心地良い疲れを感じて、ぐぅ~っすり眠れそうです☆瞼が閉じそうなので、今夜はこの辺で!おやすみなさい♪ I went to the sea and the mountain all day today.Because I was tired very much to spend in the sun, I think I’ll be able to sleep well! Good Night☆ YOKO KOSE